Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed the discrepancy between the original text accompanying the videos (I failed) and the banner text descriptions in the videos (I succeeded).

The discrepancy reflects my indecision about the quality of certain attempts and then my complete failure to reconcile it before publishing. Oops!

Which way would you lean if you had to judge?

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I am working to learn a trick called the tire tap 360. I have broken the skill down into two “phases” with further movement break downs within each phase that I need to practice. Now I know the formal name of what the technique is called! I plan on writing each component part down to help visualize what I need to learn.

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Excellent, Pat. I have the two 'phases' for my bunny hop practice, as well. The book Sports Psyching has a detailed practice regimen for mental rehearsal (visualization), including the written component.

I found it challenging to get the hang of both the slow-motion and the regular speed drills. I'm guessing that it was because, when looking at photos or a video of a pro doing the bunny hop, I'm viewing their motion from the side.

Whereas when I do the mental rehearsal, I view myself riding the bike, eyes looking straight ahead. I'm not sure what the shorthand language is for this - viewing oneself in the first person vs third person?

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