Jul 26, 2023Liked by Griff Wigley

Look at you go Griff! How cool is that?

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Hey Renee I’m getting there. It’s only been six years since I started! 😜

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Griff Wigley

In it to git it! Go Griff!

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Its always great to hear about other peoples learning processes, thank you for the share.

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You’re welcome!

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Griff Wigley

What a great and inspring post! Nice job. 50 yard wheelies are something to be proud of.

It does bring up a whole bunch of follow up questions for me - sorry! They could maybe form the basis of a sequel post?

Do you have any examples of the kind of note you would write? And of the not so helpful reflections?

Did you ever have or note down any negative reflections - 'I have learnt today that I truly suck' - or were they either not allowed, filtered out or simply not part of your thought patterns?

Did you ever review your past notes? If so, just the last couple or the reflections as a whole? And if the latter, was there any trends that you can see in how you reflected on your learning journey?

Do you reckon it was the writing of the notes that made the difference? Do you think you would have got similar gains by spending the sasme time mentally reflecting, by typing or by recording your spoken thoughts? I'm wondering how this technique could be adapted for use by a person with an injury or disability that restricts their ability to write. Could be a really powerful tool.

And as a devil's advocvate - do you think you would have progressed as well if you had put in the same time but without the reflection element? It was obviously a driver that helped get you out, so maybe that was the underlying utilty? It's a hard one to quantify as you can't run a control experiment (where are the clones when we need them?) but what are your thoughts?

Finally - so jealous that you can do extended fakies as a 'break' from practice!

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Great questions, Dogtank. And thanks for your kind feedback.

You've inspired me to write a sequel right away on the last two questions. I'll get back to you on your other ones.

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Dogtank, I decided to respond to all your excellent questions in my new post. So if you (or anyone else) have follow-up comments or questions, let's continue the discussion at:


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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Griff Wigley

One more final thing - I saw a vid the other day which suggested a square-profiled rear tyre is the hidden secret for long balanced wheelies. What do you think? Although changing gear specifically for any skill kinda defeats the point, especially when you already need a wide screen video to track your efforts :)

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Interesting. If wheelies became super important to me for some reason, I might investigate that tire. In the meantime, I do have a fat bike with huge (4.6-inch) tires that I could experiment with, so thanks for the idea!

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Griff Wigley

I'm so stoked for you, Griff! I needed to read this post. I'm working through some learning plateaus and this practice mindset is going to help for sure. Thanks!

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You're welcome, Butch. Let us know how it goes!

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