Quiz: How often should you take a break during a 60-minute MTB practice session?
It doesn't matter if you're wrong.
This quiz aims to get you interested in an upcoming post on taking breaks during a practice session.
Research shows that taking a quiz (or quizzing yourself) before you're about to learn something can be an effective learning tool, even if you're entirely wrong.
Trying to solve a problem before being taught the solution leads to better learning, even when errors are made in the attempt. — Peter C. Brown, Make It Stick
Feel free to add a comment about the rationale for your answer. Or reply to the comments by others. The discussion might help me when composing the post.
Whenever you feel tired OR getting too quickly frustrated! and I remember from my years of riding horses that if you get some thing right you don’t necessarily have to continue getting it right repeatedly! In other words don’t practice something to the point that you then start over analyzing what you are doing
The science would seem to indicate that you should take a break when you can’t maintain the focus required/desired. To set a time on it is problematic. Current teaching/learning science, from what I have read/understood, perhaps suggests a break every 15-20 minutes will give good development for the broad middle section of the bell curve on a graph of exercise physiology development.
What does science actually show us?